10 Things Parents Need To Know About Kids

By Anika Katwala

  1. Kids have a lot of energy.

  2. Kids are fun and playful.

  3. Kids are very smart.

  4. A ton of kids love to read and write.

  5. Sometimes kids like to have a little space.

  6. Kids want to be understood by their parents.

  7. Kids like to stay up late.

  8. Kids like to have stuffed animals because they are fun to have and they help you sleep and you can cuddle with them.

  9. Kids like to be dramatic because kids like to pretend and have fun.

  10. Kids are curious because they ask questions.

Inspired by the keen observations of Anika Katwala, 9 years-old, whose daily adventures provide a delightful reminder that kids are tiny philosophers with big personalities. (And yes, she happens to be the daughter of The Williston Post Editor—so storytelling runs in the family!)


Frosty Fun at the Library


East Williston Library Holiday Lunch at the Milleridge Inn