Girl Scout Daisy Troop 27: Planting Seeds of Change

By Suzana Silva

East Williston's First Grade Daisy Troop 27 embarked on a journey into the realm of gardening, sowing not just seeds of flowers but also seeds of community and environmental stewardship.

Their journey began with a simple question: how can we make our world a little more beautiful? Guided by their troop leaders, these budding environmentalists eagerly embraced the opportunity to get their hands dirty and connect with nature in a meaningful way.

These girls were on a mission to make a tangible difference in their community. With boundless energy and determination, they set their sights on North Side Elementary School. Recognizing the potential to transform the school's front entrance, they planted flowers around the trees, adding a splash of color and beauty to the surroundings.

The girls set to work, digging holes and carefully placing each plant in its designated spot. Laughter and chatter filled the air as these young girls worked as at team with a common goal.

As the last flower was planted and the final mound of soil smoothed over, a sense of pride washed over the troop. Standing back to admire their handiwork, the girls and troop leaders were willed with a sense of accomplishment knowing that their efforts would bring some joy to anyone who passed by.

Setting their sights on the future, Daisy Troop 27 is already looking ahead to their next adventure. As each girl prepares to bridge to Brownies next year, they are eager to continue their journey of giving back to the community.

As they continue to bloom and grow, there's no telling all the incredible things they will achieve!


East Williston Library Memorial Day Parade for Kids


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