Honoring Friendship and Legacy Through Tennis: A Doubles Tournament in Memory of Drew and Ethan

By Liel Agajan

Hi, my name is Liel Agajan, and I am a high school tennis player. My tennis journey began at Roslyn Sportime when I started training in 6th grade. I participated in group lessons with kids my age and skill level, and it was there that I met Ethan Falkowitz. We were both in 8th grade at the time, sharing a common goal—trying out for varsity tennis as middle schoolers.

Ethan was an incredibly hardworking and dedicated player who always gave 100% on the court. His passion for the game, along with his heart and determination, was something I admired. Over time, we grew closer, and I learned more about his family, friends, and life. When the devastating news of Ethan's passing reached me, I was heartbroken. It was difficult to comprehend that such a terrible tragedy could happen to someone so kind and talented.

In honor of Ethan and Drew Hassenbein, I am privileged to organize a doubles tournament in their memory. This event is not only a way to celebrate their love for tennis but also a tribute to their spirit and friendship.

The tournament will take place on Sunday, September 15th at 11:30 AM. Participants are invited to choose their own partner and sign up through the link below. We welcome players of all ages and skill levels, from as young as 6 to as old as 70. It promises to be a fun, inclusive event with a diverse range of participants.

I am grateful to have the support of Nadav Farahnik, Chloe Gross, and the Wheatley Athletic Foundation in making this event a reality. Together, we hope to create a meaningful experience that reflects the love and passion Drew and Ethan had for tennis.

Please sign up through the link below, and join us as we honor Drew and Ethan's memory through the sport they loved.



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From the Desk of East Williston Mayor: Bonnie L.S. Parente