The “EnerJenic” Corner: What are the Benefits of having a Personal Trainer?
By Jennifer Faber, Owner of EnerJenic Fitness in Williston Park
A coach is someone that sees beyond your limits and guides you to greatness! – Michael Jordan
Many people wonder if personal training is right for them. Whether you're someone who has never exercised, someone who has been working out inconsistently, or even someone who has been exercising for years, a personal trainer can help ensure you’re exercising safely and effectively, reducing the risk of injury. Often, people exercising on their own may believe they’re using proper form, but a trainer can help correct and guide them for the best results.
If you’re someone who’s been on and off at the gym, not seeing results despite years of effort, a personal trainer can create a customized exercise program tailored to your specific goals. They provide accountability, consistency, and motivation, helping you stay on track and make lifestyle changes that improve not only your physical health but also your mental and social well-being. With a personal trainer, you’re guaranteed to learn new things about health and fitness.
Additionally, many trainers can guide you with nutrition advice to help break poor habits. Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand, and having support in both areas can make a big difference. Personal training is beneficial for people at all levels of fitness experience—even personal trainers need coaches! In my own experience, my coach pushes me to limits I wouldn’t reach on my own, whether it’s squeezing out that last repetition or completing one more circuit.
Personal trainers inspire their clients to be their best selves, building close relationships along the way. They become confidants, friends, and trusted sources of support, creating a fitness journey that’s as much about growth as it is about health.