Brian Keating and Michael Chao: Two New Eagle Scouts from Troop 201

By Sital S. Patel

It’s not every day that a Scout earns the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest and most prestigious honor in Scouting. Even more special is when two Scouts from the same troop achieve this remarkable milestone together. Brian Keating and Michael Chao, both 18, have done just that, after successfully completing their Eagle Board of Reviews on Tuesday, August 13th. These two young men have spent the better part of a decade in the Scouting program, and their hard work, perseverance, and dedication have led them to this impressive achievement.

Brian and Michael’s Scouting journeys began over nine years ago, when they first joined Cub Scouts. Brian started with Pack 201, while Michael joined Pack 202, and both quickly embraced the values and opportunities that Scouting offered. They transitioned to Boy Scouts in Troop 201, where they’ve spent the last seven years growing as leaders and young men under the guidance of Scoutmaster Jeff Helgeson. Their Scouting careers have been filled with challenges, adventures, and lessons that have shaped them into the accomplished young men they are today.

Earning the rank of Eagle Scout is no easy task. Since its inception in 1911, only about four percent of Scouts have reached this level. The rank requires a rigorous process that includes earning at least 21 merit badges—14 of which are mandatory—along with demonstrating Scout Spirit, which means embodying the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law in everyday life. But the road to Eagle doesn’t stop there. Eagle candidates must also complete a service project that they plan, organize, lead, and execute—a project that often benefits their community and showcases the leadership skills they’ve developed through Scouting.

Brian and Michael’s commitment to this process exemplifies the very best of what Scouting represents. Along the way, they’ve developed skills in leadership, problem-solving, and service to others. They’ve faced challenges, but with perseverance and a strong sense of purpose, they’ve succeeded in earning the rank that only a small percentage of Scouts ever achieve.

The achievements of these two Scouts will be formally recognized in an Eagle Court of Honor Ceremony, which is expected to take place in January 2025. This ceremony will not only celebrate the completion of their Scouting journey but also honor their contributions to the community and the legacy they leave behind for future Scouts. As they receive their Eagle Scout medals and badges, Brian and Michael will join the ranks of over 2.5 million youth who have earned this distinguished honor since 1911.

Both Brian and Michael have proven to be outstanding leaders and role models within Troop 201. Their fellow Scouts look up to them, and they’ve consistently shown what it means to live by the Scout Oath and Law. They’ve also inspired the younger Scouts in the troop, who now have two more examples of what hard work, dedication, and service can achieve.

While their Eagle rank marks the culmination of one chapter in their lives, Brian and Michael’s Scouting journey doesn’t end here. As Eagle Scouts, they carry with them the values and lessons they’ve learned throughout their years in Scouting—values that will continue to guide them as they move forward into adulthood.

Troop 201 and the entire community are incredibly proud of Brian and Michael for their achievements. Their dedication to Scouting, to their troop, and to their community has left a lasting impact, and we can’t wait to see where their paths will lead next. Congratulations, Brian Keating and Michael Chao—two outstanding new Eagle Scouts!


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