Matthew Rapa’s Eagle Project Beautifies John D. Caemerrer Park

By Michael Keating

On Saturday, August 24th, Matthew Rapa, a dedicated scout from Troop 201, completed his Eagle Scout project at John D. Caemerrer Park in Albertson. His project focused on enhancing the beauty and functionality of the park, leaving a lasting impact on the local community.

Matthew led a team of fellow scouts in beautifying the park's entrance by restaining the fence and resealing the walkway in front of it. In addition to these improvements, the group planted new shrubs and flowers in the grassy area near the park building's entrance, adding vibrant greenery to the landscape.

One of the standout features of Matthew’s project was the construction of a brand-new flag collection box. This box allows the public to respectfully retire damaged or old American flags, ensuring they are properly disposed of with dignity.

Matthew’s Eagle project is a wonderful example of community service and leadership, contributing to the park's aesthetic while providing a meaningful resource for the community. His work not only beautifies the space but also fosters civic responsibility and respect for national symbols.


Brian Keating and Michael Chao: Two New Eagle Scouts from Troop 201


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