YOUNG VOICES December Winner: International Thanksgiving Plates by Jamie, 6th Grader at Mineola Middle School

Congratulations to Jamie C, 6th grader at Mineola Middle School for being one of the Young Voices December Winners!

International Thanksgiving Plates

Turkey, mac and cheese, mashed potato, even writing about this is making me hungry!

And if that made you hungry imagine having Thanksgiving with a Puerto Rican family!
Puerto Ricans like to keep traditional with roast pork as a centerpiece and rice with pigeon peas as a side dish!

What about Cuba you may ask? Well Turkey is not good enough for Cuba. They like whole roasted pig on their Thanksgiving plate! Pork belly, and barbecue chicken, these are some of the things that the Philippines like to have on their Thanksgiving plate.

Well I don’t know about you but after my Thanksgiving dinner I need some dessert! Pie! Apple pie, Pecan Pie, Peach pie, so many pies! That’s my perfect dessert but let’s look at what some other cultures might have for dessert.

Quesitos are Puerto Recican cheese puff pastries. Mmmm sounds delicious right?
If you’re thinking about making these, try the website “Salimas Kitchen”. Salmas Kitchen has DELICIOUS food recipes. For a recipe for Quesitos I strongly suggest Salmas Kitchen. When you get onto her website search for Authentic Puerto Rican Quesitos. Cuba has Patellas, this is a Cuban dish that is mainly eaten during the holidays.

“Pasteles are a traditional Puerto Rican dish of savory tamales made with a plantain or yuca masa, pork filling, and wrapped in banana leaves.”

A good place to find recipes for this delicious meal is the website “The Spruce Eats.”
Once you log on to “The Spruce Eats” just search up “Pasteles” and it should give you the recipe you need!

As for the Philippines, they like “Biko”, which is a small cake made up of chewy rice that is made of coconut milk, and dark brown sugar. “It’s traditionally served in a round bamboo tray lined with banana leaves, and is often topped with latik, a coconut curd or caramel-like syrup. Biko is a type of kakanin, a category of sweets made entirely of rice cakes.”. To find a recipe try “Foxy Folksy.” This is a website where you can find a lot of Filipino recipes including, Biko, Pianono, and Avocado Float. These are all delicious Filipino dishes that I strongly advise.

Did you know that Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines all celebrate thanksgiving the same day Americans celebrate thanksgiving? However they do have different names. For example the Puerto Rican thanksgiving is called Día de Acción de Gracias and the Cuban thanksgiving is called Sangibing, and the Filipino thanksgiving is called Pasasalamat which means Gratitude in tagalog.


YOUNG VOICES December Winner: The Best Day Ever! By Aidan, 4th Grader at Jackson Ave School


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